
All massage sessions are tailored to fit the needs and expectations of the client. Alissa blends a variety of styles, such as; Swedish relaxation, deep tissue, trigger point therapy, stretching, active release and passive release. She also has experience with prenatal massage, treating TMJD (oral massage), hot stone massage, lymphatic drainage, and ashiatsu*.

*Ashiatsu currently only available at Ferndale location. See Contact page for more details.

prices & Descriptions

45 Minutes - $70
This is a great session length if you've never had a massage before and want to try it out. It is also a good option if you're looking to focus on one specific area of the body.
Note: Not enough time for a full-body* massage.

60 Minutes - $95
The perfect session length for a full-body* massage.

75 Minutes - $115
An excellent session length for a full-body* massage with additional time to focus an area of concern.

90 Minutes - $130
A wonderful session length for a full-body* massage with additional time to focus on several areas of concern.

*A full-body massage includes: neck, shoulders, back, glutes, legs, arms, hands, feet, pectoral area and scalp. Any of these areas can be omitted per client preference. Similarly, if there is a specific area of focus, time can be reallocated accordingly.